Report from the first mobility of the Erasmus project
„ Time 4 everyone “
Day 1
Power Point presentation performs a representation of our school
The organised race table looked at the Pedagogical Record, e-diary, planning in teaching subjects, records of extracurricular activities, and the school code of conduct
It also exchanged a lot of experience in terms of individual work.
A visit to the Arko workshop, which is one of twenty of this activity throughout Croatia, followed.
It makes honey products in a traditional way, such as gingerblowers, honey drink and Licitari – which are decorative making.
The workshop also has two open-carat employees and is often visited by outside guests and students. On a certain day on Sunday, students come in different compositions and have a working day.A full production of a finished product takes two weeks. This engagement of students, especially those with IOP, lets them know that they are useful to society, productive and develop an accepting spirit and sense of belonging.Students acquire skills of precision, patience, perseverance and concentration.
Motivational encouragement and support the workshop also received from local self-government, i.e. the Municipality of Samobor.It has donated a modern production stove and awarded the Recognition –Nurturing tradition that gives them the opportunity to participate in stands, fairs, Easter fairs and various other manifestations organized by the municipality itself.
After the working lunch, participants received a reception and warm welcome from the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Croatia and his delegation.The Embassy's involvement in developing friendly ties between the two countries has been discussed.
Eventually, a meeting was held to evolve all the events of the working day and agreement for the following activities.
Day 2
The working day began with a meeting to discuss the upcoming activities.
After arriving at the school, the first activity began, which is a conversation with the pedagogical service about ways to deal with bullying at the school.A plan for violence prevention has been presented.All teachers have active participation in the project "Indecent Behavior" and teacher education is always combined by the lick . The school itself also participated in the Project "Zero Tolerance in Violence" – a two-year project supported by UNICEF. Demonstrated the way this problem is dealt with. First it approaches individual conversation, and then group and these meetings take place after classes.These types of workshops take on a variety of roles adapted to play and discuss, present presentations with a variety of content.The victim works with the psychologist, and the rest of the school's educator works.In principle, 8 workshops are operated .Part of those workshops are ready given by the Ministry of Education and part of the pedagogical service itself adapts them.
At the beginning of the school year, each student and parent becomes acquainted with the code of conduct, so if it is violated, it is acted on under the rules on spoken pedagogical measures.Serious violence is skipping measures.
The parent must take an active part and is himself obliged to visit the school at least once in the half-year and show interest in his student. If the same does not happen, the service invites him in writing and if he does not respond to the invitation, he applies for non-compliance with parental obligations and addresses the Centre for Social Work.
After each meeting, the manager and the children produce a record that is obligatoryly signed by a parent and fills in the radiator section.The measures also have a view for children with IOP, but it still goes with lower pedagogical measuresIn this case.It is mandatory to refer to a child psychologist.
A meeting of the professional asset of mathematics and physics was implemented, where many experiences were exchanged. In math classes, they work exclusively on smart boardsThe benefit is that a PDF can be recorded from the work of the class and forwarded to the students.So, those who have poor motor skills or intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to overcome the intended teaching material. Interactivity also takes place through M.Teams and the use of the national platform.
Geogebrata as well as the licensed SKETCHPAD program are used in the mastery of geometry. They usually use the site Slowly, they also introduce microbit usage. The most commonly used physics tool is Phet simulations. A lot of didactic materials in mathematics and physics are also presented that facilitate the teaching process itself.An interesting fact is that the Education Bureau itself has textbooks that are adapted for each student, i.e. children with IОP.
After a short tour of the city, a warm, cordial reception was achieved with the mayor of Samobor.A long-standing reunion of these two cities, Veles and Samobor, has been discussed.As well as reminding the cultures and traditions of these two cities.Then followed by a visit to the museum where the famous Macedonian poet Kocho Racin has published the book "White Mugs ".In honor of the long friendship that began, a catalyst for friendship was placed.Fresh flowers were laid at the Kocho Racin monument, and then a bridge was visited in honor of Veles.
The last activity is a visit by the 2013 Judo klub –Professionalus sports club by Matija Frlitic. In 2017, this club began work on a project, Judo for All, which originally works with five children with autism.Initially, it was individualto a certain degree of acquiring the skills to then be included in the other regular groups.They have one head coach and every child with disabilities has an assistant, a volunteer who has previously undergone certain training.Assistants at each training change to increase the socialization of children. The parents of these children are not involved in the volunteering itself .The club has two regular employees and 13 volunteer assistants. Nurses working with 5 children with epilepsy also volunteer. A physiotherapist volunteer works with children with cerebral palsy.
.The age of the census ranges from 3 years to 24 years. and are from Samobor and the surroundingarea of Zagreb because this club is one of two in the whole loan with such an extremely important activity. The other club is in Velika Gorica, where tennis and athletics are staged .Everyone has the right to lay for belts and groups are not formed by years but by their ability.The club is achieving top results by having 11 scholars, one world champion and one European champion.Many children volunteers and members are also from the school, Bogumila Tonija", because at the beginning of each school year the school introduces all students and parents to the work of this club.The local self-government of samobor recognises the importance of the club's work and stimulates its development by allowing it simple to work and giving financial support.
The local self-government of samobor recognises the importance of the club's work and stimulates its development by allowing it simple to work and giving financial support..
Day 3
The start of the working day is with a meeting to discuss the upcoming activities. After arriving at the school, participants divided into several groups. Each group began by considering the pedagogical records and electronic patterns given by the Ministry of Interior. Experience is shared for the realization of field teaching, which is often held in or outside the schoolyard. The teacher must have another companion, usually a librarian, and a professor can lead up to 15 students. Children with IOP are obliged to accompany the assistant who also sends them to regular classes. The working group then headed for hiking to familiarize themselves with the trajectory that students pass in this activity. Once a month, this activity is realized, thus introducing students to natural beauty, encouraging physical activity, a sense of care for others, teamwork, feasibility, durable situations. The family workshop "Med Michaljevich" whose business is the production and sale of nine types of honey, as well as honey products (drink, cakes, etc.).The docs in groups attend this workshop as part of the external activities by engaging in the honey production process itself. Students are actively involved in cookie-making workshops, product packaging workshops, etc.As part of the workshop there is a botanical garden, flower meadows and through its cultivation and maintenance, students are taught to take care of the environment. Each student is nurtured and encouraged by the entrepreneurial spirit and desire to create.Of the shared experiences of employees, the desire and dedication of all students, especially students with IoP, is great because their contribution and sense of belonging to society are highlighted, motivating them to develop and develop personal business personally.
Field activities the school also performs at the 4000m2 Ethno House located on the mountaineering trail itself in the park Zumberak- Samoborsko gorje.On a visit to this ethno house we became acquainted with its construction, the museum as part of it and the owner presented its purpose. In addition to visiting tourists from all over the country, the house since 2003. It has an educational character nurturing tradition and customs and educating students about them.It organizes workshops where wheat flour is grinded in a traditional way.The cooking workshop is divided into two parts in one, and the other mixes the test and makes a variety of figures.These groups contain 35–40 students.A group of students have a walk in the forest where they collect a variety of fruits, teas and grapes that, with the help of presses in the house itself, produce a variety of productsThe following activities continued to the Mountaineering House under Okichem, which is located at 411m above sea level and is used for rest and relaxation.The school organises a once-a-month walk involving parents themselves. Mass participation is taken on Bones – a day where everyone is active in picking, baking and eating bones.
After the bag, a working lunch followed.
Activities continued with a visit to the Association ,Happy Child".In 1998, the Centre for Inclusive Support for It was established in Zagreb in 2000expanded to Samobor.The association focuses on social and communication skills training.A total of 68 students from 4 years of age. to adults and there are dozens of different segments, two groups (verbal, nonverbal), behavioral disorder, activities with children with autism.Each group has up to 10 students.There are up to 10 students in each group.The program is in collaboration with three cities. The room where the association operates is provided by the Local Self-Government and this association regularly holds constituents and consultations with it, and the funding is carried out by the city of Zupanija.It nurtures the artistic and creative spirit, drawing and painting for children and adults –10 years. International Art Colony, they have many exhibitions of artworks.They have illustrators in collaboration with galleries, cinemas, a museum and a library.They also work with a group of preschool students twice an hour and a half.They also work on the Tasks for All program– run by volunteers who help master material from a variety of subjects in mother tongue, mathematics, etc.This association mediates them and connects through Zoom.
They also work on a testing programme (using international tests) and discovering gifted students from 4dd and are about 20 of all schools.
The speech therapist works with about 100 students, each once a week working on intelligent skills and socialization.It also works with children with dyslexia, detection and easier reading.
Social educator in relation to children by deviating in behaviour.
After completing their visit to the association, the project coordinator and the school principal hosted a guest appearance on radio Samobor, and the other members a short tour of the city.
On the intercultural evening, the Macedonian-Croatian evening presented these two cultures through traditional food, landmarks, customs and music.
The working day ended with a statement that evolved all events and an agreement on the following activities.
Day 4
The working day began with a meeting to discuss the upcoming activities.Extracurricular activities are implemented by the school on Saturday.Immediately after arriving at the school, the team headed to visit some of these workshops, preserving all Covid protocols.Immediately recognised the excitement, fulfillment, happiness and satisfaction of all students.The team attended the drama section, which was presented with a short program.The section itself exercises articulation of voice-consonants (w,r,s,l) with fictional texts.The speech of Djibetis–fictional language is interesting.The art section presented various types of coloring techniques, printing various designs.Local self-government has recognized desire and dedication to work, so there is a donated machine – a press that has multiple use.This section also takes care of the aesthetic arrangement of hallways and classrooms, as well as the coloring and regulation of keys in the schoolyard. Through creativity, dedication, teamwork nurtures companionship and develops the socialization of various development groups of students.The physics section presents a variety of didactic materials and tools that contribute to the more successful realization of teaching.It is presented as Microbits are instructed in the continuing process itself.
The horticulture section takes care of the decoration of the schoolyard, planting and growing flowers.It usually involves students who have concentration problems and students with Daum syndrome.
After the working lunch, a joint walk and consideration of the city of Zagreb was implemented.The towns of Jelacica Square, Zagreb Cathedral, Maximir Park, Drazen Petrovic Monument and Museum, The Recreation Sports Centre, St. Mark's Church and the center square itself were visited.
The working day ended with a statement that evolved all events and an agreement on the following activities.
Day 5
The working day began with a meeting to discuss the upcoming activities.
A panel discussion was held at the meeting, which included all participants from the first mobility and the host school.
Sartification and address by the principals of both schools followed.
After the working lunch, the team headed for Zagreb and a visit to the Macedonian society,, Ohrid pearl". A delegation from the society did not familiarise themselves with their work and the activities they implemented.This society nurtures and caresses Macedonian traditions and customs.With the desire for perseverance, they organise Macedonian-language cups for children and adults.Children study culture by making souvenirs with Macedonian symbolism and presented and sold at various stands and fairs. They organize classes to nurture Macedonian music, ora and songs.All these activities contribute to improving the socialisation of children with disabilities and mental disabilities.
The completed meeting summarised the impressions of the first mobility of the project.